December 15th, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
He's here!
Posted by
10:56 AM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Stubborn... The Whicker Way.
The little man definitely has some of his Daddy in him... Mason is showing me early on that he is the boss around here! (Which Nate thinks he is as well, it will be interesting to have two bossy boys around my house!) And yes, my bossy little man does have this onesie. It was a must have.
Yeah, Mason's not budging. We aren't "Fort Knox" anymore as my doctor told me, (Haha... So funny to hear a doctor be so sarcastic! I love it!) but we aren't getting anywhere quickly either. So as of right now, we will be heading to the hospital at 6:00pm on Sunday, December 20th to get started with all their baby enticing magic tricks. That's only eight days after his due date... Not too bad, right?! Haha. I am sure I'll be begging by then! So for now folks, that's where we stand! Here's to hoping the new little boss will want to come earlier just to prove he can!
Posted by
3:30 PM
Labels: Baby Whicker, Kerianne, Mason, Whickers
Sunday, December 6, 2009
6 days, and counting.
Let the countdown begin. Mason's "official" due date is in six days. Yes, six. I have to tell myself that multiple times a day as it gets closer... A baby will be here soon! It's crazy to think about, but man am I ready to be a more normal person again! Plus, Nate only asks me on a daily basis when I am going to let Mason come out and play, as if I am keeping him here for fun at this point!

Posted by
12:53 PM
Labels: Baby Whicker, Eviction, Kerianne, Mason
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Nursery
I am pretty much considering Mason's nursery a done deal. It is pretty much exactly the way I wanted it to be... I am just putting a few finshing touches here and there, but for the most part, I love it the way it is. We are still finding homes from all the awesome stuff we got at the shower, so forgive the full crib! But minus that, this is the boy's room!
This is his stroller, parked in the corner. With some gifts hanging around the crib.
In my imaginary world that all new moms probably have, this is the place I see Mason and I spending most of our time. Cuddled up in the comfy glider, wrapped up in that cute blanket Aunt Ranell made, reading books. (It was Bedtime Stories themed shower, so people brought books instead of cards! He got some really cute, and fun books we can't wait to read to him.)
The changing table, which is packed full of diapers, burp clothes, wipes, and lotioney items. Not the most gamerous part of his room, but definitely very important!
His room is great... Now I just need a baby to put in it! We are on the "less than one month" countdown... 29 days as of today! My doctor said she wouldn't make me go past my due date of December 12th... But that's my birthday! So everyone do some wishing and praying that he will be an anxious baby that comes a little early, haha! Or I may stun my doctor and request an induction a few days after!
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: Baby Whicker, Mason
Bedtime Stories and a Baby Shower
The "theme" of the shower was "Bedtime Stories". This was a little bed my Mom set up that the gifts went on. It was really cute.
This is a diaper cake my Aunt Wendy made for Mason.
Some of the party goers. It was a full house down here in the basement!
The gift table. The kid is spoiled rotten I tell ya!
It really was a fun day, and Mason got alot of great things! Thanks again to everyone who came! Nate and I appreciate your kindness so much!
Posted by
2:11 PM
Labels: Baby Shower, Baby Whicker, Family, Mason
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
About a month left and counting...
Posted by
10:34 AM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Is your house needing some TLC?
Posted by
8:38 AM
Labels: Cleaning Fairy, Kerianne, Nate
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Oh, the many adventures of living in a basement...

We are keeping our fingers crossed that we are back to only us Whickers inhabiting this space... because as I have had the strength to try and make this horribly scarring experience into something more like a funny adventure today, yesterday was a much different story. Yesterdays story included tears, tons of cleaning, wearing shoes inside my house, and lots of extra-intensified emotions due to my pregnant state. Oh, and I'm sure Nate is sick and tired of all my paranoia, so we're hoping this experience is behind us!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Shopping- It's not just for us girls!
Mason is seriously a pretty lucky kid. I mean honestly, the previous post shows some of the small piles of loot the little man already has waiting for him. And here I thought it would be the women of the family who would be shopping like crazy... Well. I sure wasn't thinking clearly. You see, Mason's grandpa, my Dad, runs an Old Navy. And apparently, grandpa just can't pass up a good deal. Or alot of good deals :)
And last but not least, the monkey outfit, as promised. Seriously. So cute I can hardly stand it. Check out the monkey feet... I love it.
Posted by
10:06 PM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Spoiled Rotten... Already.
Yes, I am making it known that my dear son is spoiled already. Mason is going to come into this world with a wardrobe handsome enough to get him in the pages of People. Nate's mom has found him some really cute clothes! She got him this bounty last weekend at a garage sale... Lots of clothes, and a really cute bouncer.

Nate was telling me the other day that Mason was going to need some basketball shorts so he could be "comfy" like Daddy. Well, Nate asked, and received!

Posted by
9:59 AM
Labels: Baby Whicker, Kerianne, Mason
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Good Deals = Happy Mama!
It must be said that shopping for baby necessities is hard work! The most recent item Nate and I had been looking for was a travel system for Mason. (Or it could be said that I had been looking at them, and Nate had been dragged along...) We wanted a nice one, but one that wasn't outrageous price wise.... We had settled on an Eddie Bauer one that Target had just started selling. We liked the previous model Target had stocked before, but the new one had more blue (and Nate liked that!). So that was our plan... Until, while shopping during my lunch break, when I saw the older model on clearance! Funny how a good deal can make your entire day seem a little bit brighter! So, now I love the older model, and our little guy will be riding in style, and matching his cousin Capri since she rides around in the same one! (And it must be said that she's a pretty stylin' girl, so he's got some big shoes to fill!)
Posted by
7:51 PM
Labels: Deal Finder, Kerianne
Friday, July 31, 2009
Growing Well, and Begininngs of a Nursery
Today was what my doctor called the "BIG Ultrasound". The one where they check for fingers, toes, four chambered heart, and all the other physical things parents want their babies to come with. Nate and I are happy to report Mason has all his pieces! I was really nervous for this ultrasound, since so much can be effected by it's outcome.... But all was well. He was still a little camera shy today. The ultrasound technician told us that she would have thought it was a girl at first too with how he was sitting, and with his legs crossed. But all that talk of calling him a girl got him to open right up, and he gave her a money shot. She says he's all boy! He still kept his hands right by his face, and covered his eyes alot. I don't think he likes having his picture taken- he gets that from his Mom. He also moved all the way from being in a breech position, to being head down by the end! He's a mover!
They recorded this ultrasound for us which is kind of neat. It's nice knowing I can turn on the DVD player and hear his heart beating whenever I want to. We also found out today that my doctor has moved my due date around on me a bit... She has moved it up a few days to December 12th- my birthday. It will all work out okay, I think. Rarely do the kids make their big appearance on their due date anyways. So he is 21 weeks and a few days today. Here is a new profile picture of him we got this morning. The machine printed a little dark, so it isn't as good as the last one we got... But man, is he going to be one handsome fella if you ask me! (I am definitely not biased!)
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: Baby Whicker, BIG Ultrasound, Kerianne, Nate
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Two Years Later....
Posted by
7:49 PM
Labels: Anniversary, Baby Whicker, Kerianne, Nate
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's official... He's a boy!
How doctors can decipher these ultrasounds I have no idea... But my doctor told us today that our little 6 ounce bundle of joy is all boy! (She was glad she had us come back, he cooperated much better today!) Here he is:

We are hoping this statement rings true... Here's to wishful thinking...
Posted by
8:55 PM
Labels: Baby Whicker, Kerianne, Nate
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Long Time, No Post.... With an Announcement!
It has been ages since we have updated the blog.... Poor, neglected little thing! Lots has been going on under wraps here in the Whicker household. We have had a little announcement we have been keeping to ourselves and slowly leaking to family, and friends. Now, it's blogworld's turn! I would like to introduce to you... Baby Whicker!
Here he/she is today at 17 weeks! Today was supposed to be the big day that we would know whethere "it" was a boy like Daddy has thought since day one, or a girl like Mom likes to say just to drive Dad crazy!
But- "it" will now have to be referred to as "Naughty Baby" for it's behavior during the ultrsound today! My OB (who is so fabulous by the way, I love her!) tried to see what this cute little bug was right off the bat, and drug the little symbol that said "girl" down right away! I was like, "Haha! Nate! See, you've been calling the little girl a boy! Poor thing!" and that kind of teasing. Then- my doctor thought she saw something- but couldn't decide if it was some cord, or actually a little boy part! So she pushed around all over me (kind of hard too!), poked the little bug and tried to get "it" to move around so we could get a better shot. All this little baby would do was cover it's eyes with it's hands and sit Indian Style, cross legged so we could see absolutely nothing! It was throwing a little fit if you ask me, it must have gotten that from me already! It just would not budge! Haha! Silly little thing. This is why it shall hereby be nicknamed, "Naughty Baby".
I will have another appointment next Wednesday where hopefully the bug will cooperate- my doctor told me to drink some orange juice before I come to get the baby hyper and moving around alot so we can get a good look. The good news is, she says the baby is growing beautifully and looks perfect! Yay!
Posted by
8:35 PM
Labels: Baby Whicker, Family, Kerianne, Nate
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Karter's Kritters!
Posted by
9:54 PM
Labels: Family, Karters Kritters
Sunday, March 1, 2009
And Another...

Posted by
10:01 AM
Friday, February 13, 2009
Feelin' Crafty?
Yes? Then you have to meet my very crafty, and talented sister-in-law Ranell! She comes up with the best projects! This week I went over and visited Ranell and Capri, and we made blocks covered in scrapbook paper, with wooden letters we puchased at Roberts...
Oh, my gosh were these fun, and not too hard! It is always so much fun to go over to Brandon and Ranell's house to see what fun craft ideas she has come up with. Last week when I visited, (we will start oficially calling these days I visits "craft day" I think) we made picture frames. We bought a few unfished picture frames at Roberts (Yes, I am an official endorser of "Roberts" craft store, they have so much fun stuff for "craft day" that I could spend enough money to seriously get into trouble with Nate!) and covered them with scrapbook paper and some Modge Podge, and alakazam! Out come some beautiful frames!

Now, these little beauties have not been hung in my house yet. Not because I don't absolutely love them... But because the walls inside my house are fighting over them and calling dibs. It has been a ridiculously heated argument, but I think the frames will find their final resting place on the walls of our bedroom this weekend. These pictures seriously don't do these amazing crafts justice! You will all just have to come over and see them for yourself... Or maybe your in need of a "craft day" at Ranell's! Believe me, you're house will never be the same; her talents would knock your socks off! I feel like The Quilted Bear has nothing on these crafts! I was awfully lucky to marry into this family of Whicker's!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
First off I just wanted to give an update on Nate, and his tonsil surgery. We had thought this surgery was going to be a difficult one... But I am happy to report he is almost back to his normal self! Here he is in "his" rocking chair cuddled up in the blanket my Grandma Siercks made him for Christmas. He's adorable, I let him get away with murder!

Are you ready to RUMBLE?!