Yes? Then you have to meet my very crafty, and talented sister-in-law Ranell! She comes up with the best projects! This week I went over and visited Ranell and Capri, and we made blocks covered in scrapbook paper, with wooden letters we puchased at Roberts...
Oh, my gosh were these fun, and not too hard! It is always so much fun to go over to Brandon and Ranell's house to see what fun craft ideas she has come up with. Last week when I visited, (we will start oficially calling these days I visits "craft day" I think) we made picture frames. We bought a few unfished picture frames at Roberts (Yes, I am an official endorser of "Roberts" craft store, they have so much fun stuff for "craft day" that I could spend enough money to seriously get into trouble with Nate!) and covered them with scrapbook paper and some Modge Podge, and alakazam! Out come some beautiful frames!

Now, these little beauties have not been hung in my house yet. Not because I don't absolutely love them... But because the walls inside my house are fighting over them and calling dibs. It has been a ridiculously heated argument, but I think the frames will find their final resting place on the walls of our bedroom this weekend. These pictures seriously don't do these amazing crafts justice! You will all just have to come over and see them for yourself... Or maybe your in need of a "craft day" at Ranell's! Believe me, you're house will never be the same; her talents would knock your socks off! I feel like The Quilted Bear has nothing on these crafts! I was awfully lucky to marry into this family of Whicker's!