It has been ages since we have updated the blog.... Poor, neglected little thing! Lots has been going on under wraps here in the Whicker household. We have had a little announcement we have been keeping to ourselves and slowly leaking to family, and friends. Now, it's blogworld's turn! I would like to introduce to you... Baby Whicker!
Here he/she is today at 17 weeks! Today was supposed to be the big day that we would know whethere "it" was a boy like Daddy has thought since day one, or a girl like Mom likes to say just to drive Dad crazy!
But- "it" will now have to be referred to as "Naughty Baby" for it's behavior during the ultrsound today! My OB (who is so fabulous by the way, I love her!) tried to see what this cute little bug was right off the bat, and drug the little symbol that said "girl" down right away! I was like, "Haha! Nate! See, you've been calling the little girl a boy! Poor thing!" and that kind of teasing. Then- my doctor thought she saw something- but couldn't decide if it was some cord, or actually a little boy part! So she pushed around all over me (kind of hard too!), poked the little bug and tried to get "it" to move around so we could get a better shot. All this little baby would do was cover it's eyes with it's hands and sit Indian Style, cross legged so we could see absolutely nothing! It was throwing a little fit if you ask me, it must have gotten that from me already! It just would not budge! Haha! Silly little thing. This is why it shall hereby be nicknamed, "Naughty Baby".
I will have another appointment next Wednesday where hopefully the bug will cooperate- my doctor told me to drink some orange juice before I come to get the baby hyper and moving around alot so we can get a good look. The good news is, she says the baby is growing beautifully and looks perfect! Yay!