The most recent adventure? Nate and I acquired a new pet, unknown to us until Nate saw him hopping along the floor one evening. Needless to say he was not a welcomed visitor. Nate's parents had recently done some renovating down here in our basement, which had meant necessary open doors, and keeping the connecting garage open for long work days. We are thinking he invited himself right in, not knowing we aren't super keen on drop in guests. This is one of the poses he provided when I screamed at his presence in my home:

Okay, he wasn't as cute as Renny, so Nate promptly called Brand to come over for back up the night he saw the hopping bandit. Nate and Brand are definitely much braver than me! (This must be why they're the burly men bearing brooms as weapons, and I'm the screaming girl in the corner with my eyes closed.) Our "pet" was evicted in less than 30 minutes. I have never been so happy to have Brand come over in my entire life! This was one I snapped when Nate handed him his eviction notice and escorted him off the property:

I am just hoping he didn't invite too many friends over, because their fate is sealed to end just as quickly. So in the mean time all our food is housed in sealed plastic containers on my kitchen counter, because frankly I don't feel like sharing; and my kitchen has that familiar smell of the ultimate killing-of-everything cleaner: bleach. I'm sure you can smell it from outside; the neighbors are probably wondering if we bathe in it.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that we are back to only us Whickers inhabiting this space... because as I have had the strength to try and make this horribly scarring experience into something more like a funny adventure today, yesterday was a much different story. Yesterdays story included tears, tons of cleaning, wearing shoes inside my house, and lots of extra-intensified emotions due to my pregnant state. Oh, and I'm sure Nate is sick and tired of all my paranoia, so we're hoping this experience is behind us!