Some moms, like my sisters in law, are amazing moms. They head out to scenic locations in the mountains to snap beautiful photos of their sweet kiddos throughout the changing seasons. You would think they'd paid a professional loads of dough to do it- because they always look that good. And, their models, are that cute. Now, let us get to the kind of mom Mason has..... (insert lack luster sigh here) His mom, decides at 4:00 in the afternoon- "Hey Ace, want to hit the backyard for some pictures?!". He doesn't know any better yet, so he agreed. We splashed in some leaves, and munched on some too. They must not have tasted too bad, since he kept going back for more. I want to get more pictures, I wish I had a better camera! But, for now, this is what we snagged :) Enjoy! A Halloween post is on the horizon, I can feel it! My little Giraffe will be the model, of course. Check back soon.
PS- Here's a warning, let's call it a disclaimer. Mason, loves to have his mouth wide open, and stick his tounge out. He makes this "aaahhhhhhh" noise. So, if you wonder why he looks like a goober in 75% of pictures, the "aaaahhhhh" noise is the cause.