We went down to Salt Lake yesterday with Camille, Brand, Bree, Andrew, and Kenzie to meet Nate's Grandma and Dad for lunch, and a trip to The Festival of Trees.
Olive Garden was for lunch, and was good as always! I don't think it is ever not good :) After lunch it was off to to see the trees! Although apparently we were not the only ones with that idea... It was packed! Which is a good thing I suppose, since all the money they earn from admissions and the selling of the trees and such goes to Primary Children's Hospital.
The whole big group of us walked around to see the sites. Bree and Andrew did such a good job; I am sure after awhile the forest of trees seemed to be never ending! Near the middle of the forest, Andrew was riding in his stroller, and kept saying something to me.... Camille translated and hold me he was asking to hold my hand. So for throughout the rest of the trees we walked with Drew in the stroller, with me to the side holding his hand :) It was cute!
There were some beautiful quilts on display with a lot of the trees. I have begged Marlene to let me come down to Filmore for a day and teach me the ropes of quilt making! I loved seeing pictures that came along with some of the trees. You could read the stories of some; and a few just broke my heart. I am sure decorating a tree for someone who has passed away is apart of the healing process for their loved ones. But man, I got goosebumps more times than I can say. I felt for these families who had lost very young children, children who never got a chance to grow up- ugh, enough of that, the goosebumps are coming back. But all in all, it is a beautiful display of love- and I was honored to have been able to take part in such a great event! Here are a few pictures (These are borrowed from KSL.com, Nate has purchased and wrapped a camera for Christmas, so soon, I will be able to take some pictures of my own!)

Isn't it an amazing festival?!? My mother in law was on the board for 10 years and I was able to help with the auction a couple of times. What a great experience. Also, when my baby nephew passed away, we put a tree together for him. So much meaning for so many lives in that festival. I love it. And I miss going to it. I'm so glad you were able to.
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