Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good Deals = Happy Mama!

It must be said that shopping for baby necessities is hard work! The most recent item Nate and I had been looking for was a travel system for Mason. (Or it could be said that I had been looking at them, and Nate had been dragged along...) We wanted a nice one, but one that wasn't outrageous price wise.... We had settled on an Eddie Bauer one that Target had just started selling. We liked the previous model Target had stocked before, but the new one had more blue (and Nate liked that!). So that was our plan... Until, while shopping during my lunch break, when I saw the older model on clearance! Funny how a good deal can make your entire day seem a little bit brighter! So, now I love the older model, and our little guy will be riding in style, and matching his cousin Capri since she rides around in the same one! (And it must be said that she's a pretty stylin' girl, so he's got some big shoes to fill!)


Marlene said...

Mason chose a pretty smart mom!

Ranell and Brandon said...

Very nice, Im sure Mason will love it! And, he doesn't have big shoes to fill. He will be his own unique little person and we will all love him!

Maren said...

Way to work it! I love getting a good deal. Whenever I get a compliment on something that I got a good deal on, I have to mention it. "I like that!" "Oh, thanks. I got it for 99 cents."
I'm sure people find it obnoxious. I don't care, because I got such a good deal!
I like the name Mason. I'm excited to meet him (but probably not as excited to meet him as you are). :)

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