He sqiurms all over the place when you tickle the bottoms of them.

Cute naked Mason. This is how Nate brought him to me one morning to feed him.
I would have got him dressed, but he is SO cute, and he was pretty darn happy.

It happens after the flash has gone off in his face twenty-plus times :)
One of his new favorite faces. I love it.
These two. Are two peas in a pod. They look so much alike, share the same facial expressions. It's adorable. A little scary. But absolutely adorable.
He's pondering something important... I just know it! His car seat is always his enemy in the beginning, but after he's all snuggled in, he passes out almost instantly!
Baby's first bath after his gross cord fell off! Wahoo!
He has had so many expressions from the very beginning. I think this one's hillarious!
Love that face. He's my little binky boy!
Christmas morning. Admiring our favorite present! (Totally sappy, but so true.)

I love all of the photos... He is too cute! The family one is my favorite!
Tooooo cute! Thanks for all the pictures. I can't wait to see him next!
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