Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I love...

Tuesdays. Enough said?

And that's how Sue... See's it.

4 Month Maso!

It is that illusive time again... The time you have all waited white knuckled for! It's Mason's monthly update! Wahoo! So, my little man went to the pediatrician last week, on what would have been his four month birthday exactly! Can I quickly say I love the Physicians Assistant I take him to at Ogden Clinic?! I love him... And I don't love doctors. Why, the love you ask? He's young, and patient, and treats Mason with so much tenderness. It makes me happy to have him go to someone so sweet, and kind. And someone who uses his name, and talks to him like a real person. So according to the doc, here's where he stands:

Height: 75th Percentile, 25 1/2 inches
Weight: 25th Percentile, 13lb 13oz
Head: 90th Percentile, huge!
What was that? You're giggling at the fact that I have a scrawny, tall, bean pole, with a huge noggin for a son?! Well, you'd be right :) So I don't judge your giggling. But, regardless of the fact that his head is quite large for his tiny body, he is still the cutest little thing I've ever seen! He is starting to talk. All. The. Time. My son is a never ending chatterbox. I love it! He is also getting really good at laughing. It's so cute to see such a little thing laugh out loud. Mason is a stander. He would love for you to help keep him upright all day long. And he lets you know how angry he is when you lay him down before he's ready. Sigh... He thinks he's the boss already. Move over Dad. There's a new bossy Sheriff in town. Here's some pictures of the wee man, month four. Enjoy!

Swimming in St. George! He loved kicking around in the water.
His rude Mom was taking pictures while he was sleeping. Can't you tell how much he appreciated his modeling job that morning? Yeah. Not much :)
Bev, "beverage", runs are a vital part of everyday Whicker life. This is Bug getting a first hand take of his mother's addiction to Diet Vanilla Coke. Mmmm.

Look at those cheeks! Don't you just want to squeeze 'em?!

There's your monthly post, courtesy of the proudest parents on the block! We sure love this kid!

PS- I just got a new job that could quite possibly turn full time by mid summer... Anyone have a good babysitter they'd like to recommend? I need someone really nice to play with my bug all day, a few days a week. Anyone? Anyone? :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Swap!

So, I signed up to participate in a Spring Swap! And, can I say, I loved it! It was so much fun collecting, and putting together the package for my Swap Partner, Kelley! I loved shopping around trying to find the perfect Spring accessories to go with the ultimate "Main Course" part of her Springy package!

As I was wrapping up all her packages, and getting them all cozy inside their little box to go on the short ride to California, I got a really fun surprise! My Swap Package from Kelley came a day early! So, without further, adu, here were my goods!

Here's what it looked like as I opened the box... I could hardly contain my excitement long enough for Nate to go grab the camera for me to get this picture! So, I stared at it with admiration... Waiting... Just waiting...

And, here's what was inside! The group picture of all my California Springtime goodies! Roll call please!

First off, is this beautiful palm tree card that told me Kelley chose items that would bring California to me! Ocean and surf... Can't think of a better way to celebrate Spring! (Especially here in Utah, where it snowed 10" a week ago!)

A Cookie Lee palm tree necklace! So sparkly, so cute!

The Cookie Lee seahorse necklace! I love the silver, and blue. So pretty.

Ah, the "K" mug. It is the perfect addition to my craft room desk. It will hold my "FABRIC ONLY" scissors, and pretty pens that aren't for Nate's use!

Flip flops... Reminds me of the good days that are to come! The picture of Mason in the pool down at St. George will look perfect in this frame!

My ABSOLUTE favorite part of my package! A fun hat for Mason. Kelley must know me... Because since I didn't have a girl to put cute bows, and flower headbands on, I vowed to torture my son with hats! And this one will fit him for quite a while!

A picture of my model with his studly new hat. Isn't it cute?!

Thanks so much Kelley! I loved getting the package, and all the thoughtfull items that you put inside. It definitely was Cali in a box! I can't wait for you to get yours... I hope you like it!

And a special thanks to Short Mama for hosting this swap. It was a blast, and definitely an activity I will be repeating over, and over again! Want to see what everyone else got?! Click here!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Nate's cousin got married last year, and his wife is now suffering from an issue that has quickly become life threatening. Jill has posted items donated by friends and family to help her finish raising the money she needs for this surgery, which her insurance will not cover. Check out her blog, and look over the goods. There is some sweet stuff! I donated an item. Anything anyone can do to help her adds up quickly. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

These are the blocks I am donating. I will do any custom name, word, ect. I can stain em', paint em', whatever you want! Go bid on them, and make me feel super special!

Here is Jill, and her blog: http://thestrasburgfamily.blogspot.com/

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter at the Whickers

Easter with a baby isn't quite conventional. He can't walk, so the bunny covered him in eggs, and stuck him in his bug basket. His gift from the infamous bunny? A cuddly blanket with soft minky on one side, and silky giraffe material on the other. It also has ribbons sewn all around it for hiim to chew on. That bunny knows his stuff. Mace loves it. His Nana got him a Spiderman onesie, and some fun baby toys. She got his parents a basket full of treats with Jamba Juice gift cards for a nice summer treat. Nate's mom got him some cute outfits, binkys, and fun bathtoys. One of the outfits will match cousin Collin! Fun times. Good day. Here's some pictures.

Oh, and... My 4 month old thinks he is the world's strongest man. He loves to stand. All. Day. Long. Now he likes to try all on his own. I'm in trouble.

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