It is that illusive time again... The time you have all waited white knuckled for! It's Mason's monthly update! Wahoo! So, my little man went to the pediatrician last week, on what would have been his four month birthday exactly! Can I quickly say I love the Physicians Assistant I take him to at Ogden Clinic?! I love him... And I don't love doctors. Why, the love you ask? He's young, and patient, and treats Mason with so much tenderness. It makes me happy to have him go to someone so sweet, and kind. And someone who uses his name, and talks to him like a real person. So according to the doc, here's where he stands:
Height: 75th Percentile, 25 1/2 inches
Weight: 25th Percentile, 13lb 13oz
Head: 90th Percentile, huge!
What was that? You're giggling at the fact that I have a scrawny, tall, bean pole, with a huge noggin for a son?! Well, you'd be right :) So I don't judge your giggling. But, regardless of the fact that his head is quite large for his tiny body, he is still the cutest little thing I've ever seen! He is starting to talk. All. The. Time. My son is a never ending chatterbox. I love it! He is also getting really good at laughing. It's so cute to see such a little thing laugh out loud. Mason is a stander. He would love for you to help keep him upright all day long. And he lets you know how angry he is when you lay him down before he's ready. Sigh... He thinks he's the boss already. Move over Dad. There's a new bossy Sheriff in town. Here's some pictures of the wee man, month four. Enjoy!

There's your monthly post, courtesy of the proudest parents on the block! We sure love this kid!
PS- I just got a new job that could quite possibly turn full time by mid summer... Anyone have a good babysitter they'd like to recommend? I need someone really nice to play with my bug all day, a few days a week. Anyone? Anyone? :)
Oh my little nephew is growing up so fast! I can't believe its been 4 months. His little personality is so sweet!
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