Thursday, June 17, 2010

6 Months!

THEN.. December 19th, 2009 (4 days old)

NOW... June 15th, 2010 (6 months old)

My baby, is not a little baby anymore. Mason is 6 months old, and time has FLOWN by! We took him to the pediatrician Tuesday, where, he of course had to flirt with all the ladies! By the time we left he had melted the hearts of a handful of women :) He cracks me up. Here were my favorite little boy's stats:

Height: 50th Percentile, 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 25th Percentile, 16lb 3oz
Head: 75th Percentile

The good news? He is starting to finally grow into that massive noggin of his! And his flat head, no longer a worry. Woosh. That makes mama a happy girl! I did not want the poor bug playing all summer in a hot helmet! The pediatrician also commented about how ticklish my boy is! Mason would just giggle while he was being checked. It was precious! Mason has been such a light in our lives, and brings so much joy everywhere he goes. This summer is going to be so much fun! Having children brings a whole new element of excitement to life! As always, here are the pictures!


My sister Kallyn, and Nate's sister Makenzie both graduated from high school the first week of June. (All the fun pictures of Mason are at Kallyn's graduation. Mason provided entertainment during the downtime) We are so proud of them both! (And I must say, I am EXTREMLEY pleased to not have to attend another graduation for quite some time... they are B.O.R.I.N.G. I remember mine being so much more exciting... Probably because I was (okay, am) a self involved snot who thinks everything I am apart of is freakin' awesome!

Kallyn will be heading to Logan this fall to attend Utah State University, much to Mason's dismay and heartbreak. She wants to be a teacher. And I am here to tell ya, she will be a REALLY good one! She has patience up the wazoo, and is always nice... Kiddos love her.

BUT, luckily, Mason will not be too lonely, Kenzie will keep going to Weber State, where she has been going all throughout her senior year. (Wish I could have been so smart!) So Mason will still have someone to play with. She wants to be a nurse. She is so determined, and knows what she wants. She will be a fabulous nurse, all the boys will wait in line to be her patient :)

These girls are both incredibly smart, endlessly talented, and have bright futures ahead of them! Love ya both!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bad Mama :(

Yes. The rumors are true. I am officially a bad mother. Memorial Day was so busy. Running here, running there, dragging Mason everywhere! We went to Brigham City to visit Great Great Grandpa Austin's grave, and spent some time enjoying the sunshine. We then made our way up to Logan, and visited some other family graves.... And we were apparently out in the sun WAY longer than I thought, because my poor baby got his first sunburn. His huge head must just attract those sunbeams like a beacon. His little cheeks are so toasty. Lesson learned- Time for this mama to invest in some safe baby sunscreen.

But, I mean honestly. My son had to wear his snuggly teddy bear suit outside a week ago so that he wouldn't FREEZE! And now the poor kid, a whole week later, got FRIED. I just can't keep up with all the weird weather! But poor Mason paid the price this time :( Thanks alot Global Warming!!

P.S.- Long days playing outside with my Daddy, Grandpa, Nana, Aunt Kallyn and all my other fun family people wears me out. I completely passed out in my mama's lap after bath time on Memorial Day. Can't you hear the snores ;)

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