THEN.. December 19th, 2009 (4 days old)

NOW... June 15th, 2010 (6 months old)
Height: 50th Percentile, 26 1/2 inches
Weight: 25th Percentile, 16lb 3oz
Head: 75th Percentile
The good news? He is starting to finally grow into that massive noggin of his! And his flat head, no longer a worry. Woosh. That makes mama a happy girl! I did not want the poor bug playing all summer in a hot helmet! The pediatrician also commented about how ticklish my boy is! Mason would just giggle while he was being checked. It was precious! Mason has been such a light in our lives, and brings so much joy everywhere he goes. This summer is going to be so much fun! Having children brings a whole new element of excitement to life! As always, here are the pictures!

What a cutie you have! How funny that he flirts with all the ladies... he knows how it works already. What a smart lil guy! :)
He is such a happy kid. I love it.
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