Here is Mason now! 8 months old, Mohawk and all! He is a smile machine, and a ball of energy! We sure love having him around! I am not sure what we did with all our time before he lived here too!

Collin, Bree, and Mason. In the super cute bear hats Aunt Ranell made.

My kid is 100% ham. His facial expressions always crack me up.
This would be the first time I found him standing up without help.
We took him to Target in July for some quick pics. I thought it would be cheap, and fast. Oh, the fast part was spot on. Cheap it was not. Why did my son have to look SO CUTE in EVERY picture?
This is the FABULOUS Kristi G chair we got off my beloved BabySteals. It lets him sit up like a big boy, and eat his yogurt treats. So fun.
The 4th of July, so fun. These would be the Babylegs I decided Mason HAD to have a few days before. So they were rushed here, and arrived just in time. See, I told ya he's a ham.
We spent the 3rd of July in Filmore. It was so fun. We took Mason to the parade. As you can see, he didn't mind one bit.
I got the lucky chance of having both boys in our hotel room when we stayed the night right outside Filmore. They are so sweet sleeping. I love this picture.
Another at Great Grandma's, with her in the picture too.
He is such a little doll. Love the mohawk! Isn't it funny when you try to remember what life was before you had a kiddo... you just can't huh! Seriously the picture of him with the tie on... Oh my goodness that is like one that they send out on flyers to get people to come in. SOOO CUTE!
Thanks so much for sharing the pics and stories! Love keeping up with everything - both in Utah and when I'm remote! I just need to log in from Portland or where ever I am to get a dose of you all to bring my spirits up! Thanks for posting - I know how busy you must be!!
Love you all...
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