I love this little man. He gets bigger, and bigger every day. You can catch him busting a move any time music comes on-- the kid loves to dance. I will catch a video for your viewing pleasure, it's seriously that cute. Instead, for now, I will share a picture of how naughty he has been lately. The baby powder was the victim this time, and that face, yeah, that's his "how can you resist how cute I am" face.
Aunt Kallyn shared her old stuffed Barney with him, and he loves it. Carries the purple dinosaur around yelling at it, and kissing his face. Ask him, "What does a dinosaur say?", and you will get a quiet "...rrraaawwwrrr" in return every time. We watch Sprout. all. day. long. The Wiggles, Barney, Thomas; seriously, Sprout is Mason's dream come true.

He has turned into the chattiest kid, he babbles constantly. I wish I knew what he was saying, because I have this feeling, the majority of it would be hilarious. He can brighten anyone's day. Seriously, if you are needing a pick me up, come on over, my sweet kiddo can turn that frown upside down. And this was his latest modeling gig, cloth diapers. Yep, future Abercrombie model right here ;)

Those are some great pics! Glad he loves sprout!
Mason is a gorgeous little man!! He's going to be the biggest heart breaker!! :)
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