This year was fun-- Mason was finally old enough to understand what was going on, what we were doing, and why we were out. He was dressed up like a monkey, he would make the monkey sounds, and crawl on the floor. There wasn't a doubt in his mind as to what he was. It was so much fun. After we would get candy from a house, he would say, "Tank You", and as we walked away, he would say, "More?". It sure is fun to see your kids grow up. We also went to a Halloween Birthday party for cousin Emily, who turned one. What a fun birthday! I always wanted a Halloween baby, I will love Camille's instead :)
He climbed up to doors, and politely knocked. I am pretty sure every lady on the block loved his little voice saying "treat". Trick-or-treat was too many words, but the treat he seemed to get in there every time ;) 
Love the pics and love you all!
i friggin love that kid… seriously. so blasted cute. and don't worry- my word verification is abdul. ha. thats rad.
Mason was a cute monkey. I can't believe how much he has grown this last year!
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