I entered Mason into a baby contest at a local radio station, and voting starts April 9th. He is #33. And he is really cute! So it's really okay if you want to click through to #33 and vote for him! He would win a years supply of baby stuff. And, seriously, who couldn't use that?! Here's the link- click on view photos. Send it to your friends. Oh, and tell them to vote for #33 :)
(The picture I put up is the same one I used for his three month picture on the side bar!)
97.1 ZHT 2010 Baby Idol Contest
Monday, March 29, 2010
This is... Baby Idol!
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12:15 PM
Monday, March 22, 2010
Surprises, Some Crafting, and BabySteals!
Did you know I am expecting a brand new nephew this May?! I am so excited for Ranell, and Brandon to get their little boy; and for big sister Capri to get her baby brother! I emailed Ranell's sister way back in early February to see if their family was planning any kind of party for the newest Whicker baby, thinking I had plenty of time to plan a shower. Well, April beat me to the punch and had already been planning a secret "sprinkle" for her sister! So, I offered to do an activity :)
I made some number patterns with some thin cardboard and a fun font, and Nate's mom had some really fun, brightly colored bibs she had been saving for just such an occasion as this. I rounded up some fun little fabric chunks from Joann's, along with some Wonder Under. (Wonder Under is seriously some amazing stuff! I am totally addicted!) We had each shower guest make a bib for baby Collin. They are numbered 0-12, so Ranell can take his picture in each one, on the right month, and see how much he changes. It was a fun little activity. Lots of prep work behind the scenes but completely worth it, because I think they turned out really cute!I have also been a little crazy with some random little crafts here, and there lately. The first, was another Wonder Under beauty. I had seen a pattern online for a tie that you iron on a onesie. I immediately knew that Mason needed one to wear to church! So, I whipped one together. And, he looked like a total stud if I do say so myself.
I have also slowly been working on a rag quilt for Mason. I found a pattern I really liked online (If I didn't browse blogs all day, I have no idea what I would do with all my time.) that would be a perfect stroller blanket. It's almost finished, so it is still considered a work in progress right now. But here's a glimpse of the first quilt I've ever made myself. (Usually my Mom bails me out and finishes them for me.)
Anyone else feel like they have to be online at 9:00am just to see what the BabySteal will be?! If you haven't checked this site out yet, proceed with caution. What was that? You want to know more? Okay, don't say I didn't warn you... BabySteals.com puts up a new, almost always fantastic baby item 50-60% off every morning at 9:00 am MST, and they sell it until it's gone. Sometimes, the item is a must have for me, but lucky for my debit card, there are days I can pass. (Which is why I say, it's almost always a fantastic item) Today they had Baby Legs, leg warmers, and Mason needed the blue ones. What? He did! I swear! He asked me to do it. Okay, so maybe he didn't ask. But, I got em' anyways. And, he will look so cute in them that I can't wait to go pick them up!
No Whicker Family blog post can end without a random picture of the little man. I love this one. He has the widest, brightest eyes. Love him.
Posted by
1:00 PM
I'd like to thank the academy...
Okay, so it isn't an Oscar. But it's just as good! My Spring Swap partner Kelley gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award! My first award ever I might add. A stipulation to this award includes posting seven things about myself. Here we go!
#1- I loathe laundry. Seriously. I don't really want a maid. I don't mind cleaning. But if the laundry fairy wanted to drop by, say three times or so a week, to catch up on the loads and put it all away when she was finished, I absolutely would not refuse her refuge in the Whicker home.
#2- I am a "wannabe" crafter. I love crafting. I try to only reward myself with craft time after said laundry and cleaning has been finished. I say "wannabe" because the ideas I craft up, are never my own. I find so many fun, and creative ideas on blogs, from my sister-in-law, friends, ect. How I wish I was creative enough to whip something up all on my own!
#3- I love to cook. See Whicker Basket Catering Co. for a sampling of my arsenal of favorites. Is it ever fancy? Absolutely not. But it is almost always tasty. Ever seen Julie and Julia? Julie says to her husband after a hard day..."Chocolate cream pie! You know what I love about cooking? I love that after a day when nothing is sure and when I say nothing, I mean nothing. You can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, it will get thick. That's such a comfort." I couldn't have said it better myself. That is why I love to cook.I should probably get this movie, especially if I am pulling quotes from it.
#4- I am a self proclaimed addict to several sites online. Maybe I'm just addicted to the internet? That would probably be a better generalization. I love facebook. Who doesn't? You get to keep in contact with people you otherwise wouldn't. I love blogging. Putting pictures up of the two most handsome men I know for the world to see... There's nothing better. Babysteals.com. Ugh. This one's bad. If you called me at 9:00am, if I'm not at work (and I may even check there too... but only really quickly!), you can probably bet I'm waiting to see what the day's deal is. It is a sickness. And, last, but surely not least, my beloved ETSY. I have an entire post below, devoted to my dedication. Nothing more need be said.
#5- I love color. Bright ones. Especially orange, and green lately. Colors accentuate my world. What a boring place this world would be if everything were in grayscale.
#6- Halloween is absolutely my #1 favorite holiday. Not because I like to dress up, I never do. Or because I like the candy, I'd rather pass. I love carving pumpkins. I love the glow its gives while a candle flickers inside. I love Fall. The colors, and the falling leaves ease my spirit. The smell of Fall. That crisp, cool, crunchy leaves, and burning pumpkin smell. I wish I could bottle it and keep it all year long. I love spending time with my Dad. He loved Halloween when I was a kid. He dressed up like a gorilla. He still decorates their garage. More than anything, his love for it is probably what continually drives mine. I can't wait to share that with Mason.
#7- I am a homebody. I would so much rather hang out at home with my family than go anywhere. I prefer to wait till the movie comes out on DVD, than seeing it in the theater. The popcorn at home is better, and the Diet Coke can have vanilla added to it whenever I want. I can also put on my pajamas and stretch out on my comfy couch (and probably fall asleep). But even if I only see half of it because I zonked out halfway through, that one half was a million times better than it would have been in theaters. I guarantee it.
Alrighty folks. That's my seven. I would love to give this award out to all of you (although I know "all" is probably like a maximum of three! And even three might be an overshoot.) but I don't know who would want to play... And I'm not one to pressure. So if you have read this, consider yourself awarded! Lucky, you! Post this award on your blog, and comment on my post so I can head over and read about you. I would love to get to know my three readers better :)
Posted by
12:08 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Blog Swap
So, this one is my first Blog Swap, and I am so excited! I am going to get to put together a package consisting of all things Spring, and then ship it off to whomever is chosen to be my partner. And in turn, she will send me a package as well! I am too excited. Pathetic, really. But, I LOVE getting mail... And awaiting the arrivial of a fun blog pal package is going to be so exciting! I'm equally thrilled to put one together to send someone else! It's going to make Spring all that much more anticipated!
Posted by
3:00 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Mace Bug

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9:53 PM
Date of the Month Club- Date #1
Nate chose this as his March date. And I set up an Italian shop in our living room just for him! He surprised me by getting off work early, so I didn't quite get all the surprises I wanted done, but it still turned out to be pretty fun anyways! I made some homemade dough, and we made pizzas out on the BBQ (it was as "woodfire" as we could get!). We had some yummy salads while we waited, and bruschetta appetizers. It was super delicious.

Our pizza's grillin' away.

Nate's Ham and Pineapple Masterpiece.

Mine had Pepperoni and Mushroom.

This was the "cute" face I got after several of him chewing with his mouth wide open.

The ending tablescape. Full of delish food, and completed with excellent company.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Anyone else heard of ETSY?
I have. And I must say, I am absolutely addicted to ETSY. Ugh. It's an illness. I have bought too many things from there the last few weeks. But- each thing I buy makes me want to buy something else! I bought a necklace that someone hand stamped Mason's name into, a cute polka-dotted scripture cover, and some applique stencils. See. Everything I've purchased has been completely necessary for me to have :) At least that's what I've been telling Nate. I wish I was as crafty and creative as some of the people selling things on ETSY... I have been so happy with myself since I have found the mecca of all things handmade. My bank account, and husband, on the other hand, are not so pleased!
Posted by
9:16 PM