Did you know I am expecting a brand new nephew this May?! I am so excited for Ranell, and Brandon to get their little boy; and for big sister Capri to get her baby brother! I emailed Ranell's sister way back in early February to see if their family was planning any kind of party for the newest Whicker baby, thinking I had plenty of time to plan a shower. Well, April beat me to the punch and had already been planning a secret "sprinkle" for her sister! So, I offered to do an activity :)
I made some number patterns with some thin cardboard and a fun font, and Nate's mom had some really fun, brightly colored bibs she had been saving for just such an occasion as this. I rounded up some fun little fabric chunks from Joann's, along with some Wonder Under. (Wonder Under is seriously some amazing stuff! I am totally addicted!) We had each shower guest make a bib for baby Collin. They are numbered 0-12, so Ranell can take his picture in each one, on the right month, and see how much he changes. It was a fun little activity. Lots of prep work behind the scenes but completely worth it, because I think they turned out really cute!I have also been a little crazy with some random little crafts here, and there lately. The first, was another Wonder Under beauty. I had seen a pattern online for a tie that you iron on a onesie. I immediately knew that Mason needed one to wear to church! So, I whipped one together. And, he looked like a total stud if I do say so myself.
I have also slowly been working on a rag quilt for Mason. I found a pattern I really liked online (If I didn't browse blogs all day, I have no idea what I would do with all my time.) that would be a perfect stroller blanket. It's almost finished, so it is still considered a work in progress right now. But here's a glimpse of the first quilt I've ever made myself. (Usually my Mom bails me out and finishes them for me.)
Anyone else feel like they have to be online at 9:00am just to see what the BabySteal will be?! If you haven't checked this site out yet, proceed with caution. What was that? You want to know more? Okay, don't say I didn't warn you... BabySteals.com puts up a new, almost always fantastic baby item 50-60% off every morning at 9:00 am MST, and they sell it until it's gone. Sometimes, the item is a must have for me, but lucky for my debit card, there are days I can pass. (Which is why I say, it's almost always a fantastic item) Today they had Baby Legs, leg warmers, and Mason needed the blue ones. What? He did! I swear! He asked me to do it. Okay, so maybe he didn't ask. But, I got em' anyways. And, he will look so cute in them that I can't wait to go pick them up!
No Whicker Family blog post can end without a random picture of the little man. I love this one. He has the widest, brightest eyes. Love him.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Surprises, Some Crafting, and BabySteals!
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1:00 PM
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those little bibs turned out awesome... I am so excited to use them now. you really are a little crafter, i'm jealous i can't be doing them with you right now. and the tie onsie, it is amazing! I can't wait to see your finished rag quilt, i love the colors... you really are talented! And Mason, he is just as cute as ever!!!!
Thanks againg for doing the craft. They turned out so cute and it was a good interaction thing for all of us. YOu are way creative and I love the tie onsie. I need to find a pattern for one that looks like a tutu or something. I need the blog that you got that from :) It was good seeing you and I may just have to check out that baby steals webpage!
Okay, so that tie onesie has to be the cutest thing I've seen in while. I love that.
The quilt looks great. I am not so ambitious as that, but I am finally getting some Christmas pillowcases done. So what if it's March, Christmas happens every year.
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