My little bug is already more than 3 months old. My baby is becoming more, and more a little boy before my very eyes. It's incredible to watch. He holds his head up... really well. He loves to watch T.V. (I know, I know. Horrible mother. He really likes Baby Einstein though! And apparently enjoys him some Barney time with Aunt Kallyn. Naps on Grandpa Austin's belly are the best ones of his life, and Nana gets more smiles than anyone else. Smiling is a favorite pastime. You'll also find if your patient enough, and give him plenty of time, he will probably have an entire conversation with you. What he's talking about I have absolutely no idea. But he knows. And thinks I'm the crazy one for not understanding. He has also picked up the Whicker pout. I will have to get a picture of it. He sticks that bottom lip out, and quivers it with the best of Hollywood. He's a pro. At the age of 12 weeks. I'm in for a long ride. No post about my little bug is complete without a few pictures. Enjoy the sweetness of my almost 12 pound, not so little anymore, boy. 

Wow. I can't believe how big he looks in those pictures. What a sweet mean.
If you want in the swap then email me at ashortmama (at) gmail (dot) com
I am loving the little hat! It makes him look much older. Its hard to believe three months have passed. He still looks like a tiny baby to me though!
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