Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter at the Whickers

Easter with a baby isn't quite conventional. He can't walk, so the bunny covered him in eggs, and stuck him in his bug basket. His gift from the infamous bunny? A cuddly blanket with soft minky on one side, and silky giraffe material on the other. It also has ribbons sewn all around it for hiim to chew on. That bunny knows his stuff. Mace loves it. His Nana got him a Spiderman onesie, and some fun baby toys. She got his parents a basket full of treats with Jamba Juice gift cards for a nice summer treat. Nate's mom got him some cute outfits, binkys, and fun bathtoys. One of the outfits will match cousin Collin! Fun times. Good day. Here's some pictures.

Oh, and... My 4 month old thinks he is the world's strongest man. He loves to stand. All. Day. Long. Now he likes to try all on his own. I'm in trouble.


Megan said...

he is so darling. Hayden was the same way. He did everything early. Standing, crawling, rolling, walking, running, jumping, dancing :) everything... boys are so busy!

Ranell and Brandon said...

He is so precious! I love the green grass hair, looks quite nice on him. Looks like the Easter Bunny spoiled him!

Anonymous said...

Could he be any cuter?

Anonymous said...

Umm.. Nana didn't buy the Spiderman i did.. Mom's not that thoughtful.

Love your sister

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