Wednesday, August 27, 2008

O what a day O what a day!

Everything went fine on this beautiful Monday, until about 8 o'clock. Nate (or should I say me) started to complain about a pain in my back. Lo and behold it’s another lovely kidney stone.(I think this takes the count to 22 ish) So about 10 p.m finally decided that the pain was getting to un-bearable so we drove to the E.R. Got some tests done and then was finally home by 1:30 the next day. Now if you are thinking to yourself saying ( humm I want a kidney stone...) well DONT they suck they hurt more than anything you could imagine. So finally we got home and got to sleep only to wake up at 7 to go to work in the morning. On my way to work the tie rod (controls steering) broke and yanked my car sideways into some full garbage cans! OUCH. So $150 dollars later the tie rod is fixed, and the car is once again running well.

Wednesday I woke up with more surprises (pain like no other!) so had to take a few pills and they knock me out so I ended up not going to work today (figured it wasn’t best to drive)

Last Saturday
When my little sister got home I went shopping with her and got myself a new Bristle board (dart board) Darts is a new fascination of mine.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My LOVELY day off!

So today was just great! I had a staff meeting early this morning, and after that the day was all mine! I had a Friday all to myself... Which I don't think I have had in... Well... I don't remember the last time! I spent the morning running errands, and the afternoon with Ranell. It was so much fun! She is ready to have Capri any day, and she looks absoultely stunning! I cannot wait to meet their little girl! We spent our afternoon talking, and scrapbooking. (She is teaching me the ropes... her pages are so pretty! She's a good teacher!) It was a great day. I hope to get to spend lots more time over with Ranell, and Capri too! I will become a scrapbooking fanatic!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We're off....

To test my car's midlife crisis. The Focus was giving me MORE trouble last week, Nate tinkered with it, but to be sure we're going to take a short little trip to Idaho today. Keep yoour fingers crossed for us! I hope the troubles are over!

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