Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My little sous chef...

Mason was a ton of help during the busy dinner prep tonight. A very observant assistant if you ask me. I'm assuming "goooo" meant good. A compliment he offered up numerous times.

He even took a moment from his busy activities to pose with his mama. What a guy! I love the little man!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


this boy.

Something New!

I have been wanting to start a recipe blog for quite some time. My New Year's Resolution for this year is to organize my recipes, and cook at home for my family more often.

The Whicker Basket Catering Co. blog is the way that I am going to do it! Plus, I still have another month off work, so this will help occupy my time while I wait to go back... Because you can only tidy and clean so much before you go bananas!

I am posting my all time favorite recipe gems, plus some favorites of others. So it is going to be a treasure trove of some awesome recipes! CI will also put up new recipes that we try and like, and ones we tried and think you should avoid, haha! Check it out, and let me know if you have a favorite recipe... I would love to try it out! Send me recipes to try at

I am excited to get cooking again... Pregnancy took a toll on my desire. The smells and the nausea did not agree with my passion in the kitchen. So I am hoping to be in there quite a bit from now on, and I may need taste testers... Anyone interested?

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Milestone...

Mason was born one month ago today. Beyond all odds, he survived :) So did his parents. We have decided not to let the hospital repossess him. Love this kid.

P.S.- We won't celebrate a birthday each month... I promise :)

Mason- One Month Later!

Life with our little boy has been so fun! Mason fits in so perfectly in our lives, I cannot imagine life without him in it! I honestly don't know how we went so long without him here! He is also offically one month old! How time went by so quickly, I have no idea... I feel like we just had him, but also like he's been here forever! Time needs to slow down. I love this cuddly baby!

At one month old Mason loves:

Bath time! Thanks to Grandma Rich for showing his inexperienced parents the right way to let him "swim" in the tub. He loves to kick around in the water, and stare up at us with those big blue eyes!

Shoulders! He is my shoulder baby. He loves to snuggle in, and be all wrapped up in a cozy blanket. It is the best feeling to have him there, and look down to see him looking right back at you, completely content with cuddling. I love it.

His Mama! Goodness. I love him too, but I tell you, this baby will not let me put him down all day long! Haha. I know there are worse things to complain about than a lovey baby. So I am gratefull for the time I get to snuggle up with him now. I am sure I'll be begging for some attention from him in a few years, so I'll take it!

Sonic Bev Runs! Okay. So the bevs are actually for me, but he loves to ride in the car! He can be fussing up a storm, we get in the car, turn on some Kris Allen, and the kid is out like a light! So, we make it a point to go almost every day. Diet Coke with Vanilla=Yum.

A selection of pictures from his first month with us can be found below. I loaded the pictures backwards, so the ones at the top are the most recent... Enjoy!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pictures! Mason- One Month!

My baby boy in his very handsome Gap outfit. He's a total stud in it!
I am in love with his feet. And P.S. they are so ticklish!
He sqiurms all over the place when you tickle the bottoms of them.
Cute naked Mason. This is how Nate brought him to me one morning to feed him.
I would have got him dressed, but he is SO cute, and he was pretty darn happy.
This is his, "What Mama?!" face.
It happens after the flash has gone off in his face twenty-plus times :)

One of his new favorite faces. I love it.

These two. Are two peas in a pod. They look so much alike, share the same facial expressions. It's adorable. A little scary. But absolutely adorable.

He's pondering something important... I just know it! His car seat is always his enemy in the beginning, but after he's all snuggled in, he passes out almost instantly!

The boy loves him some Daddy.

Baby's first bath after his gross cord fell off! Wahoo!

He has had so many expressions from the very beginning. I think this one's hillarious!

Love that face. He's my little binky boy!

Christmas morning. Admiring our favorite present! (Totally sappy, but so true.)

Cozy in his sheep!

The first picture of all three of us! Christmas Eve 2009!

This is Macey's boy dress. It is my favorite jammy. It's so cute on him...

Lounging in his bouncy chair, and all cuddled up in his "sheep". Nate's Dad got Mason this blanket and it is the coziest, warmest blanket on the planet. And he's so cute snuggled up in it!

This was Mason getting ready for his first outing on his Dad's birthday. We went to lunch at Burger Bar, which is one of Nate's favorite places. He's teaching his boy early!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Little Man

Life has been a little crazy around the Whicker house the last few weeks... We have been adjusting to being Mom and Dad, and loving the heck out of our new little man! He is so handsome, yes I am biased, but I am sorry. This fella is handsome! It has been a learning experience, but luckily we were blessed with a patient son. He is teaching us more about him every day; and it boggles my mind how much he changes on a daily basis. He has his fussy moments, but when Mason cuddles up on my shoulder and falls asleep, my heart seriously melts in a single instant. He's adorable. We're keeping him. And yes, I am gushing, because dang it, I am one proud mama!

Here are some of the great pictures Nate's sister Camille took of the little heart breaker. She and Brand came over on Christmas Eve to take these. We are so grateful to have such talent in the family. She captured him perfectly. I am so glad we have these to show how small he really was.

That is just a small selection of the pictures she took. I will post more later. They are all so good!
Christmas was wonderful, I will have to post some pictures soon. For now I leave you with the promise that this blog will be so stuffed full of pictures it may make you crazy... But I cannot help but take endless pictures of my little boy. I apologize in advance :) Come back often for more!

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