Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's Fall ya'all!

Some moms, like my sisters in law, are amazing moms. They head out to scenic locations in the mountains to snap beautiful photos of their sweet kiddos throughout the changing seasons. You would think they'd paid a professional loads of dough to do it- because they always look that good. And, their models, are that cute. Now, let us get to the kind of mom Mason has..... (insert lack luster sigh here) His mom, decides at 4:00 in the afternoon- "Hey Ace, want to hit the backyard for some pictures?!". He doesn't know any better yet, so he agreed. We splashed in some leaves, and munched on some too. They must not have tasted too bad, since he kept going back for more. I want to get more pictures, I wish I had a better camera! But, for now, this is what we snagged :) Enjoy! A Halloween post is on the horizon, I can feel it! My little Giraffe will be the model, of course. Check back soon.

PS- Here's a warning, let's call it a disclaimer. Mason, loves to have his mouth wide open, and stick his tounge out. He makes this "aaahhhhhhh" noise. So, if you wonder why he looks like a goober in 75% of pictures, the "aaaahhhhh" noise is the cause.


Monday, October 11, 2010



Oh, Mason. He is getting so brave. Thinks he can walk with the best of the best. Except, he's clumsy. While playing in the kitchen on Saturday, Mason thought it would be a great idea to use an empty plastic shopping bag for balance- that, did not work out so well. He fell right through the bag, but don't worry, a kitchen chair caught his fall, with his face. He had a big, huge, very sore looking goose-egg right on the front of his forehead. He cried for a few minutes, but settled down quickly. It was the first of many to come I'm sure- the good news, is is already looks like it's almost gone. SIGH, the stresses of parenthood. Mason sure keeps life exciting :)


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Teething Stinks.

Poor Mason is teething. That picture is not him- but it looks just like his mouth! One bottom has already popped through, and there is another coming right next to it. We went from 0 to 2 in the matter of a week! He is hurting, poor kid, and I am looking for anything that could help. Teething Tablets, chew toys, ice chips, you name it. Then, I found this neat site, Hazelaid. They sell Hazelwood, and Baltic Amber Teething Jewelry. I bought an anklet for Mason to try- and they are doing a giveaway! Click the link above to read about it! I will let you know how girly Mason looks in his new anklet. (Oh, and SHHHH. If you see my husband, please don't tell him I am letting my son wear jewelry. Thank you.)


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