Monday, October 11, 2010



Oh, Mason. He is getting so brave. Thinks he can walk with the best of the best. Except, he's clumsy. While playing in the kitchen on Saturday, Mason thought it would be a great idea to use an empty plastic shopping bag for balance- that, did not work out so well. He fell right through the bag, but don't worry, a kitchen chair caught his fall, with his face. He had a big, huge, very sore looking goose-egg right on the front of his forehead. He cried for a few minutes, but settled down quickly. It was the first of many to come I'm sure- the good news, is is already looks like it's almost gone. SIGH, the stresses of parenthood. Mason sure keeps life exciting :)



Ranell and Brandon said...

gosh, "can't you beat your child somewhere less noticeable?" Just kidding :)

Myya said...

Awe poor little guy! My 1 yr old seems to find every table corner, kitchen chair & wall. She had a black eye the other week & just as it was healing & almost gone she fell on a chair and gave herself another black eye... the opposite eye. Geesh, these kiddos are sure clumsy!!!

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