Monday, December 27, 2010

We're FLIPing out!

My mom and dad got us a Flip for Christmas! Expect many pictures from the new T1i camera Christmas present (from ourselves), and videos from the Flip! So fun! We can't wait!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday to me... and Mason... and Nate!

December, is like a never ending chain of birthdays :) Me, Mason, and Nate. All within seven days. and then Christmas less than a week later. Sweet, right?! 24 was an amazing birthday, my first one having my child in front of me (last year he was squirming around inside, gross, but true!). And, it was my first working at BabySteals. A place I love, and feel appreciated in every day- Just another reason to worship my workplace, they helped me to order my *dream* bag. My Ju-Ju-Be Behave.... go ahead. Drool if you must. I am in love- and one of my bosses, got me the matching wallet, so I can BeRich! Seriously. Awesome birthday. Grateful girl, (points at self) for the amazing family I am blessed with, and the fabulous friends I work for. It's a pretty good life.

Tucked inside my luscious bag, is my new favorite book. The Happiest Toddler on the Block. Is it a Steal, yes. And a really good one too.


Santa- he's like the Boogeyman

As far as Mason is concerned at least. Even if it is just his grandpa dressed up as Jolly Old St. Nick. Mason didn't care, it was still right next to horrifying. And it wasn't until the entire get-up came off, that he was having anything to do with my Dad :)


Thursday, December 16, 2010

And it's official....



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Time. It goes too fast.

Proof that at one time, about one year ago- my baby, was actually a baby. A tiny baby. A 6lb, 2oz dark haired, bundle of sweetness. Time goes too fast.

Because now, he is HUGE. Walking, talking, and teasing. He is a little boy, not a little baby. And I love him. But, if I could go back, and hold that tiny baby one more time, I totally would :)


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Preparing a PARTAY!

In fifteen days, my baby will be one. Yes, ONE. I am elated, and heartbroken at the same time. He is now more boy, than baby. He has the most charming personality in that little body- and his smile can melt your heart in a mere instant. I am happy he has grown to be the teetering, sweet, babbling toddler he is, but man, will I miss that tiny baby he once was. SO, I will cope, by throwing him a party. A Dr. Seuss birthday party in fact. There are grand plans in the works- how much will actually happen is probably the question. But, 15 days and counting! Check back, and before you know it, little Mason will be ONE!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nate's grandpa Powell passed away last weekend. His funeral was today in Highland. I didn't have the pleasure of getting to know him very well, but from the things I heard today- I missed out. It was a good day, filled with lots of love.

PS- I have decided living in Highland could be nice. Maybe one day, living on that side of the valley, would not be too weird.


Thursday, November 18, 2010


Mason has experienced a lot of firsts thus far in his short life. Yesterday, was his first round at real pharmacy grade medicine. He's been coughing. You know, that gross, little kid, hack till you gag cough. I thought I would be a much more skiddish, and crazy mom- but seriously, I think I'm pretty chill. I figured it was a cough, he's a kid, it will pass. Well, three hours at Nana and Papa's proved to be too much coughing for them! They called me, I called the pediatrician, and Mason had an appointment an hour later. Nana took Mason in without me, I had a afternoon packed full of meetings.

Mason weighs a whopping 19.8 pounds, in the 14th percentile. Walking, crawling, and playing soccer (he loves to chase, and kick balls) is dropping some weight off him. That, and the only thing he likes to eat is crazy bread. Naughty kid. But, he's fine. Just a little scrawny :) His ears were clear. His lungs were clear. But he has all sorts of congestion. My baby is definitely my kid- it is either a virus or a sinus infection. Story of my life there! Good news, he loves the pink bubblegum amoxicillan they gave him just in case it was the infection. What kid doesn't like that stuff. I am hoping he feels better soon- less than 30 days till my tiny baby is one! (Though, he's not so tiny anymore!)

PS- I have an unaffiliated love for Target. Yes I worked for their pharmacy. Yes we had the coolest team on the planet. No I didn't even fill at my old store. But, being a mom, I adore their liquid suspension bottles. It makes medicine a breeze. Totally awesome. Fill there. For real.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fluff anyone?

I swore I wouldn't do it. I vowed it was just too gross. Though, as I type my kid is sitting in "fluff". We started last weekend- not one horrid blow out since. Which is quite honestly, worth it's weight in gold. So here we are, cloth diapering. During the day we use Biodegradable disposable liners (While we get Nate adjusted. He still thinks it's pretty nasty- but he's coming around), and at night, we use super soft Swaddlebees. I totally feel like a good mom knowing my kid is sitting in such softness. Plus, they're cute. Check out my little cow. Totally worth the hassle.


Monday, November 1, 2010

And, another...

...cute cousin for Mason. Here she is, sweet Emily. She's a doll. Dark hair, button nose, and sweet dimples. There is little that brings more joy to a family than a brand new baby. Congrats Wellards :) We love her already!


Happy Halloween!

Halloween was celebrated by the Utah masses on Saturday. Which I must say, was a cold, dreary, wet disappointment for Mason's first Halloween! So, we went and carved pumpkins at my parents house, and tucked the little man inside. We figured he wouldn't eat the candy anyways- and he already had a bit of a cold, so it wasn't worth the trouble. Instead, we dressed him up on the official Halloween, and snapped some pictures in his costume, and his pumpkin outfit, both picked out by his papa Austin. Definitely not the Halloween's I am used to- I LOVE Halloween! But this year, was just so busy! I blinked and it was here! There's always next year!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's Fall ya'all!

Some moms, like my sisters in law, are amazing moms. They head out to scenic locations in the mountains to snap beautiful photos of their sweet kiddos throughout the changing seasons. You would think they'd paid a professional loads of dough to do it- because they always look that good. And, their models, are that cute. Now, let us get to the kind of mom Mason has..... (insert lack luster sigh here) His mom, decides at 4:00 in the afternoon- "Hey Ace, want to hit the backyard for some pictures?!". He doesn't know any better yet, so he agreed. We splashed in some leaves, and munched on some too. They must not have tasted too bad, since he kept going back for more. I want to get more pictures, I wish I had a better camera! But, for now, this is what we snagged :) Enjoy! A Halloween post is on the horizon, I can feel it! My little Giraffe will be the model, of course. Check back soon.

PS- Here's a warning, let's call it a disclaimer. Mason, loves to have his mouth wide open, and stick his tounge out. He makes this "aaahhhhhhh" noise. So, if you wonder why he looks like a goober in 75% of pictures, the "aaaahhhhh" noise is the cause.


Monday, October 11, 2010



Oh, Mason. He is getting so brave. Thinks he can walk with the best of the best. Except, he's clumsy. While playing in the kitchen on Saturday, Mason thought it would be a great idea to use an empty plastic shopping bag for balance- that, did not work out so well. He fell right through the bag, but don't worry, a kitchen chair caught his fall, with his face. He had a big, huge, very sore looking goose-egg right on the front of his forehead. He cried for a few minutes, but settled down quickly. It was the first of many to come I'm sure- the good news, is is already looks like it's almost gone. SIGH, the stresses of parenthood. Mason sure keeps life exciting :)


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Teething Stinks.

Poor Mason is teething. That picture is not him- but it looks just like his mouth! One bottom has already popped through, and there is another coming right next to it. We went from 0 to 2 in the matter of a week! He is hurting, poor kid, and I am looking for anything that could help. Teething Tablets, chew toys, ice chips, you name it. Then, I found this neat site, Hazelaid. They sell Hazelwood, and Baltic Amber Teething Jewelry. I bought an anklet for Mason to try- and they are doing a giveaway! Click the link above to read about it! I will let you know how girly Mason looks in his new anklet. (Oh, and SHHHH. If you see my husband, please don't tell him I am letting my son wear jewelry. Thank you.)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mason's Mom...

... loves to make him wear hats. If I couldn't get a pretty girl in flowers, and headbands- I will have a studly boy in ties, and hats. Done, and done.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Day at Nana's...

We went to Nana's house to go hang out with Jared, Wendy, Don, and the parents last weekend. While we waited for Wendy and Don to come, we decided to wait outside for them, and let Mason play in the grass. He had a fabulous time. Picking grass, eating flowers, at some point, he even ended up shirtless. It was a fun way to pass the time. He has this way of being the center off attention, and bringing a smile to everyone's face. He is a total ham :)


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