Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Time. It goes too fast.

Proof that at one time, about one year ago- my baby, was actually a baby. A tiny baby. A 6lb, 2oz dark haired, bundle of sweetness. Time goes too fast.

Because now, he is HUGE. Walking, talking, and teasing. He is a little boy, not a little baby. And I love him. But, if I could go back, and hold that tiny baby one more time, I totally would :)



Camille @ Makoodle said...

I couldn't agree more - especially the first year. I wish I didn't need sleep and/or have any other responsibilities so I could just lay and cuddle with them and take in every moment. I have definitely become less productive lately - just so I can sit and rock/cuddle my little bundle.

Megan said...

YOUR baby is going to be one?! are you sure? Thats crazy.. who is that little man? He has grown up entirely to fast... seeing my friends babies grows up makes my baby look not so babyish too.. and makes me feel soo soo old. Happy soon to be Birthday to your sweet sweet, very handsome little man. I want to kiss his little toes with those BL's :)

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