Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was celebrated by the Utah masses on Saturday. Which I must say, was a cold, dreary, wet disappointment for Mason's first Halloween! So, we went and carved pumpkins at my parents house, and tucked the little man inside. We figured he wouldn't eat the candy anyways- and he already had a bit of a cold, so it wasn't worth the trouble. Instead, we dressed him up on the official Halloween, and snapped some pictures in his costume, and his pumpkin outfit, both picked out by his papa Austin. Definitely not the Halloween's I am used to- I LOVE Halloween! But this year, was just so busy! I blinked and it was here! There's always next year!



Ranell and Brandon said...

Awww he looks adorable. I love the pic of him by the tree, nice little giraffe eating some leaves! I love the fall pictures, too! They turned out great...but when you have a model that cute, why wouldn't they?!

Maren said...

Oh, the awesomeness that is that giraffe costume. Where did you find that?

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