Friday, January 15, 2010

Mason- One Month Later!

Life with our little boy has been so fun! Mason fits in so perfectly in our lives, I cannot imagine life without him in it! I honestly don't know how we went so long without him here! He is also offically one month old! How time went by so quickly, I have no idea... I feel like we just had him, but also like he's been here forever! Time needs to slow down. I love this cuddly baby!

At one month old Mason loves:

Bath time! Thanks to Grandma Rich for showing his inexperienced parents the right way to let him "swim" in the tub. He loves to kick around in the water, and stare up at us with those big blue eyes!

Shoulders! He is my shoulder baby. He loves to snuggle in, and be all wrapped up in a cozy blanket. It is the best feeling to have him there, and look down to see him looking right back at you, completely content with cuddling. I love it.

His Mama! Goodness. I love him too, but I tell you, this baby will not let me put him down all day long! Haha. I know there are worse things to complain about than a lovey baby. So I am gratefull for the time I get to snuggle up with him now. I am sure I'll be begging for some attention from him in a few years, so I'll take it!

Sonic Bev Runs! Okay. So the bevs are actually for me, but he loves to ride in the car! He can be fussing up a storm, we get in the car, turn on some Kris Allen, and the kid is out like a light! So, we make it a point to go almost every day. Diet Coke with Vanilla=Yum.

A selection of pictures from his first month with us can be found below. I loaded the pictures backwards, so the ones at the top are the most recent... Enjoy!


Ranell and Brandon said...

Cute post! Isn't it funny how fast time flies once they are born?! I can't wait to see him grow and change!

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