Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh, Christmas Tree...

So, I begged Nate to let me put the tree up a few weeks before Thanksgiving... I was in a festive mood! He was reluctant, but is the sweetest man alive, so he caved in and put the tree up for me. That was where his job ended, and mine began :) It just sat there in our living room, staring at me for over a week.... Naked. I begged for a tree, and then slacked on the decor! So, this last weekend I raided Hobby Lobby with Camille, and Kenzie, and decided to go with a gold and brown theme. I love it!

Hobby Lobby had these really neat, and cheap, sticks of gold berries. I bought quite a few of them, not really knowing how I would use them, but I knew I needed them, and would figure it out later. I also found some really pretty, and again, cheap, ribbon at Hobby Lobby. I love going to Tai Pan, and their tree's always have ribbon, but I have never quite been able to figure out how they make it look so elegant. After much experimenting, I never figured out how they do it! But- I made my own way! I clustered the berry sticks together, and then tied them to the tree with little bows of the ribbon. I ended up really liking how it looked!

Our tree is a little tall. I don't know if you can really tell from the first picture. It is a beautiful tree; Nate's Dad had this one laying around his house that he never used, so he donated it to our cause last year. When we set it up last Christmas, Nate realized our ceiling is too low for the very tall tree. So, Mr. Fix it trimmed part of the top right off. Did I mention it is a pre-lit tree? So, :) the top no longer lights up, but hey, at least it fits! Needless to say, a tree-topper is out of the question! So I made a cute little bow with some gold berries shooting right out of the top!

I worked late the night Nate saw the tree. I had finished decorating it during the day while he was gone. When I got off work I had a text message, and man did it make me smile! It said "Holy cow sweetie! The tree looks awesome!". Apparently Nate approves! Merry Christmas!


Ranell and Brandon said...

Your tree looks amazing! Love the colors!

Jim said...

Hey - looks great - lets do hot chocolate soon so I can see it! Sorry about the Kidney Stone Nate - I'd yell at your parents for that dang DNA they sent your way. Glad you're feeling better bud!

Maren said...

Now THAT is a pretty tree.

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