Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh, by the way...

July is going to bring the Whicker's a few more exciting weeks! For starters, I have tomorrow off work! Whew. Now that I am over that excitement... I have an interview for a pharmacy technician in training position at K-Mart on Tuesday. I am SO excited! This would be an amazing opportunity for me, it would help jump-start my career. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Also, my grandparents from Missouri will be coming to visit next week! We are so excited for them to get here. It has been a little over a year since we last got to see them.

And, last but not least, we will be going to Island Park, Idaho with Nate's family over the 24th of July. They have a cabin up there; it's actually where Nate and I spent our Honeymoon last year. It is absolutely beautiful there. We will document our travels, and put up some pictures when we get home! It is going to be an exciting month!


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