Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's official... He's a boy!

How doctors can decipher these ultrasounds I have no idea... But my doctor told us today that our little 6 ounce bundle of joy is all boy! (She was glad she had us come back, he cooperated much better today!) Here he is:

If you are having problems identifying what makes him a boy- so are we! These pictures are not the best, but you could definitely tell on their little ultrasound screen. In the excitement of our upcoming boy, we bought him the first baby item we have gotten to date.

We are hoping this statement rings true... Here's to wishful thinking...


Anonymous said...

Yah! We are so so so happy for your cute little family. I can't find to meet your little boy. He's going to be so cute. Mason Dean so such a great name. It's so good that you guys agreed on a boys name. I guess we just have to make more blocks.

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